Programme Overview “CSAA” stands for Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor and it’s one of the two fellowship programmes offered by [...]
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Programme Overview The LIFE programme is a professional learning pathway that covers all sectors in Islamic Finance namely Islamic Banking, [...]
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Programme Overview This programme offers a comprehensive exploration of leadership principles with a strong focus on self-leadership and emotional intelligence. [...]
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The term ESG is no longer a buzzword that only applies to the minority. More and more businesses are seeking [...]
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Programme Overview The modern corporate secretary plays an increasingly wider and in-depth role and is imposed with additional responsibilities in [...]
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Keseluruhan Program Program ini akan membantu peserta mengembangkan keupayaanuntuk mengenali dan mempromosikan budaya membuat keputusanberetika di tempat kerja, dan mengenal [...]
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Keseluruhan Program Dengan perlaksanaan konsep 5S, iaitu Seiri, Seiton, Shitsuke, Seiketsudan Seiso, organisasi akan dapat meningkatkan produktiviti dan mengurangkan kos. [...]
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Programme Overview In today's fiercely competitive and constantly evolving marketplace, the success of organisations hinges profoundly on their agility in [...]
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