Better Collection for Supervisor
This highly-participated and content rich program has been originally designed and then improved over the years for Team Leaders and Supervisors of collection teams. With slowing economic times, debtor are becoming tougher to part with their money. People like to buy things, but They don?t like to pay. The collectors need to hone and perfect their skills but perhaps the success or failure of a collection unit will be determined by the knowledge and skills of the Team Leader or Supervisor. To be successful, these individuals need not only to know all effective collection techniques, but how to ensure these same strategies are known and put into place by every member of their team. This is high pressure position, not for the faint of heart. There is a lot of stress from the debtors, management and members of one?s own team. The biggest challenge may be the ?great collector? who has been given a new position and thrust into a job with a whole new set of responsibilities . What worked well for them (when they collected on their own) may not be as effective in attempts to have others complete those same tasks and objectives.
- Learn new techniques to get people to do something they don?t want to do: PAY!
- State the primary role of a Collector
- Practice the 6 steps of a collection call in English and Malay
- Practice the steps to tackle broken promises
- Use time-saving scripts
- Handle common customer excuses quickly and confidently
- Contact customers wit more confidence and professionalism
- Diffuse upset customer using the A.U.S.E
- 5 step for coaching
- Handle conflict within the team
- Design and effective use of Collector Scorecard
- Improve Feedback
- Know and aim to achieve top traits of collectors and a team
Who Should Attend
- Collector
- Frontliner
Programmes Outline
Module 1: Creativity & Attribute in Collections
- The primary role of a collector
- Using creativity in a collection
- Skills vs. Attitudes
- Coyle?s 5-Collector Commandments.
Module 2: Handling Debtors
- Handling payment excuses using an easy 3-step formula
- Tackling different debtor types
- Using bridging statements to calm angry customer
- Calming angry customer using A.U.S.E
- Getting R.E.D (reason for defaults)
Module 3: Asking for The Money
- Using the 12 Most Powerful Words in the English Language to persuade people to pay
- Following the 6 steps of collection call to collect maximum
- Reducing broken promises
Module 4: Training and Leadership
- What works and what does not when trying to impart effective training techniques for collections
- How individual and team traits may vary and making best use of them both
- Motivation and feedback
The Expert
Steve Coyle, founded Service Winners in 2003. The company focuses on Credit/Collections training. Originally from Seattle. Steve has lived in Malaysia since 1995. Prior to Service Winners he worked in Customer Service-Collections and Human Resources at Maxis Mobile. He is a Maxis Pioneer. In the U.S., Steve worked at Verizon Wireless and in the banking industry with C.I.T. Equipment Financing, Inc. He has experience in handling both consumer and commercial accounts. He has worked in both call centers and banking (hire/purchase) environments. His experience in both the West and Malaysia allows him to share best practices. He has an M.B.A from Gonzaga University (U.S.) and a Master in Instructional Technology from University Malaya. He is a certified Credit Executive from the National Association of Credit Management (USA) and a Certified Financial Collection Professional (Canada). He is a member of the Association of Credit Management Malaysia. He is the author of Debt Collection: Stir Fried or Deep Fried. He also writes for local and Western financial, training, and call centre magazines. He frequently speaks at collections and accounting conferences.