On course for success

Crucial Conversations® Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

Course Overview

Whenever you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, it’s likely that a crucial conversation is keeping you stuck. Whether it is a problem with poor quality, slow response, lacklustre
performance, declining customer satisfaction, or strained relationship-whatever the issue- if you cannot talk honestly with nearly anybody about
almost anything, you can expect poor results. Often, when facing critical conversations, people tend to capitulate towards silence or violence. The organization ends up paying the price of poor
employee engagements, bad decisions, dismal results, low commitment, poor execution, followup and further strained relationship. Crucial Conversations® teaches skills for creating
alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogues around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and
encouraging others to do the same), you’ll surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.

Course Objective

• Speak persuasively, not abrasively – effectively talk about
high-stakes, emotional and controversial topics.
• Foster teamwork – get the right people involved in a way that
ensures better decision-making and guarantees commitment
and conviction.
• Build acceptance rather than resistance – give and receive
feedback in a way that enhances relationships and improves
• Resolve individual and ground disagreements – accurately
address concerns by talking respectfully, candidly, and skillfully
with someone in a safe way.


Instructor Profile

Woo Yee Saik

Mr. Woo Yee Saik has been involved in Training and Education for over twenty-five years and runs workshops and
seminars to help customers develop practical skills in the areas of leadership, management and communication.
He is currently a Master Facilitator for VitalSmarts Inc.’s
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything,” “Crucial Conversations,” “Change Anything” and “Crucial
Accountability” programs. His outgoing nature and keen interest in learning and communication processes
continue to be the mainstay of his approach to training, and this has been noted by many participants who have
attended his programs.
He is also a certified trainer for external programs like “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “Advantage Series,”
“Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results,” DDI’s Interaction Management and Targeted Selection
and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership II.
He has worked in various institutions and organizatios in different capacities including Head of English and Drama
at International School of Penang, Marketing and PR Manager at Disted College, Training Manager at Sony
Mechatronic Malaysia, Recruitment and Employee Welfare Manager at Robert Bosch Malaysia.


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