To understand the mathematics behind muamalat and their applications; particu-larly in Islamic finance and wealth management. This workshop provides the neces-sary working knowledge of mathematical applications in Islamic finance and capital market. The workshop is conducted through a simple and fun approach and a complicated concept can be learnt easily.
Participants will be able to understand the concept and calculation behind:
- Time value of money (TVM)
- Al bay’ bi thaman ajil financing
- Murabahah financing
- Sukuk
- Project financing
Azman Ismail has been in the Islamic finance industry since 1985 and has provided train-ing and consultancy services in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Brunei and Iran and presented papers in Kuala Lumpur, Manama, New York, Tokyo, Brunei, Singapore, Cairo, London, Milan, Taipei, Taroudant and Abu Dhabi. He was an external lecturer for the Master in Islamic Banking and Finance program at the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He was also a Course Consultant and Member, Board of Studies at the Institute. He has been commissioned by the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). He has also been consulted by the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA). Azman was a Member of the Information Panel, AmanahRaya, the Public Trustee of Malaysia and a Shariah Advisor to several Islamic institutions in Malaysia and Singapore. He has written and translated thirteen books.