Financing/Credit Appraisal & Decision Making
The past decade has seen dramatic losses in the banking industry. Banks that had been performing well suddenly announced large losses due to financing / credit exposures that turned sour. In response to this, banks have almost universally embarked on an upgrading of their risk management and control systems whilst having to meet more stringent capital requirements. It is thus essential for banking executives and managers to equip themselves with the necessary analytical skills to proactively ask the right questions and to learn from the various experiences of banks to-date. A proper and sound financing / credit appraisal is crucial when presenting financing / credit or business recommendations as well as making important decisions within the bank.
Understand and have worked through examples of the following:
By the end of this programme, participants will have gained the following knowledge and know how to:-
I) Apply a structured approach in assessing the financing-worthiness / credit-worthiness of business entities in order to make sound financing / credit decisions.
ii) Identify the key components of Audited Financial Statements, Annual Reports, Management Accounts, Cashflow and Financial Projections that are important in terms of financing / credit risk assessment.
iii) Prepare a simple yet powerful Financial Spreadsheet using key financial reports.
iv) Interpret the financial spreadsheets, seek relevant information and analyse business performance and associated risks.
v) Learn to ask the right quantitative and qualitative questions from a banker’s perspective.
Mr. P. Manoharan is an experienced senior banker with over 30 years of proven leadership and management experience. He was previously the Executive Vice President and Advisor to Commercial Banking in a leading regional universal banking group. Over the years, he has had responsibility for leading the high performance of people, projects and the banking organization in a number of key areas, successfully navigating through 4 large scale mergers and 3 economic recessions. This includes portfolios ranging from Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Branch Banking, Credit Risk Management, Compliance & Controls, Sales & Business Development, Corporate Debt Restructuring, Asset Quality Management, Regional Business Management as well as Commercial Banking roles covering consumers, SMEs to larger corporations and multinationals in various economic sectors. During the aftermath of the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis, he was called upon to serve as one of only three senior banking industry representatives in the Corporate Debt Restructuring Steering Committee.