On course for success



This 4-day Islamic Finance for Non Islamic Finance Professional programme will cover almost all subjects of Islamic finance including the fundamental of Islamic finance, banking products and operations, sukuk and investment products. This workshop has been designed for wide range of clients and it will provide a comprehensive and practical knowledge on Islamic finance. The occasion of this event is indeed an excellent opportunity for the regulators, industry practitioners and investors to discuss recent developments and the key issues in Islamic banking and finance. It would also serve as an excellent plat-form in providing greater awareness on the innovative products and services available in the Islamic finance market.


  • Analyze the role of Islamic finance in the financial system of several countries in the world
  • Acquire the knowledge of Shariah Principles in Islamic Banking and Finance.
  • Understand the doctrine of prohibition of riba, gharar and maysir in Islamic law
  • Identify Islamic banking and financial i.e banking and capital market
  • Examine some Islamic capital issues i.e Sukuk and securitization, funds, structured products and derivatives instruments
  • Review the issues and challenges in the implementation and development of Islamic finance around the globe.


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