On course for success



This course is exclusively designed to provide comprehensive and practical knowledge of Risk Management in Islamic financial services. It also highlight relevant features, criteria, standard, policies, regulation as well as operations that related to risk issues. What are the current de-velopments an trends ahead for the Islamic financial institutions in mitigating risk in the sectors? What are the successes of managing risk in Islamic Finance? What are the criteria and structure of Islamic risk in Islamic Financial services? All these issues will be covered in this course.


  • Understand the framework and structure of Islamic Financial Services
  • Acquire the knowledge of risk in Islamic Financial Services
  • Identify types of risk in Islamic Finance
  • Identify the criteria and principles in mitigating risk in structuring Islamic financial prod-uct and instrument
  • Examine several Shariah and legal risks in documentation and structuring Islamic financial services banking, securities and takaful

Course Outline

  • Nature of Risk & Risk Management Process of Islamic Financial Institution
  • Risk in Islamic Financial Services: A Shariah Perspective
  • Legal & Shariah Compliance Risk in Islamic Finance
  • Financial Contracts, Risk Management and Corporate Governance in Islamic Finance
  • Credit, Market & Equity Investment Risk in Islamic Finance
  • Reporting of Financial Risk: Reporting Standards & Transparency
  • Operational Risk, Shariah Compliance & Internal Control System
  • Capital Adequacy Ratio & Liquidity of Islamic Financial Institution
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