On course for success

Muzakarah Ilmuan Kewangan Islam (MIKI) “Aplikasi konsep Tabarru’ dan Wakalah di dalam Takaful Brunei

Centre For Islamic Banking, Finance And Management (CIBFM) with the support of Islamic Financial Advisory Unit (IFAU), Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) will organise Muzakarah Ilmuan Kewangan Islam (MIKI). 


MIKI is a beneficial platform to further enhance the development of the economic and Islamic Finance in Negara Brunei Darussalam.  Furthermore, MIKI will bring together Islamic Bankers, Shariah Advisors, Academicians, Regulators and other experts. 


Details on the muzakarah are as follows:

Date: Tuesday  11 April 2017
Time  : 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Venue: CIBFM, ILIA, Board Room, Level 2, Kampus UBD,   Jalan Tungku-Link
Topic: Aplikasi konsep Tabarru’ dan Wakalah di dalam Takaful Brunei

Application of Tabarru’ and Wakalah Concept in Takaful Brunei

Speaker: Dr. Awang Haji Mazanan bin Haji Yusof

Ahli Badan Penasihat Syariah Syarikat Takaful Brunei Darussalam (STBD)

*conducted in Bahasa Melayu

For RSVP, kindly contact complete the registration form and email it to sandra@bilif.com.bn/ fax to 2461224, before 10 April 2017  or speak to YM Sandra Mohammed at 2461221/223.


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