Skills For Supervisory Management
This programme is designed for employees who have been newly-promoted to a supervisory or managerial position to improve their people-management skills and, more importantly, be equipped with practical ideas for optimising the most important resource in the organisation – it’s people. It’s also suitable for existing supervisors and managers who have not received any formal training in people-management skills.
Possess a firm foundation in becoming both an efficient and effective manager and better motivator of subordinates. This will lead to subordinates becoming more inspired, produce higher quality work, and tend to stay longer in the organization.The organization will then benefit with higher productivity levels, lower turnover and resignation rates, saving time, energy, resource, money in hiring and re-hiring of new staff.
- Become an effective motivator of subordinates.
- Improve EQ skills.
- Know how to supervise, communicate, coach, counsel, delegate, lead and inspire subordinates effectively.
- Build a stronger, more cohesive team
Programme Outline
Managing Self
- Inculcating a healthy self-esteem
- Adopting a positive mental attitude
- Maximizing one’s potential
- Striking an IQ/EQ balance in supervision
- Developing work performance goal
Managing Downwards
- Key Principles, roles and responsibilities of a supervisor of Supervision
- Communicating Effectively
- Coaching & Counselling Skills
- Inter-personal and conflict management skills
- Motivating and inspiring subordinates
- Delegating work effectively
- Leading effectively
Managing Upwards
- How to manage ones boss
- Becoming an effective intermediary between one’s Boss & subordinates
- Relating to different kinds of Bosses
Managing A Team
- The magic ingredient in teamwork – SYNERGY
- Building a cohesive team
Expert’s Profile
Michael Lee has successfully conducted a wide range of programmes including customer service, teambuilding, creativity and innovation, sales and marketing, presentation and instructional skills.
Mr Lee’s previous work experience includes being a training manager for two banks and two multinational electronics companies. He has many years’ experience in engineering, electronics, manufacturing, banking and human resource development.
He is a ‘master motivator’, a stimulating and entertaining speaker, trainer and presenter with great take-home value. Audiences find him thought-provoking, inspirational, witty and fun; business clients describe him as having a passion for win-win thinking and friends testify to his ability to pluck humour and a life lesson out of any situation.