On course for success

Strategic Planning Development, Alignment & Monitoring


Programme Overview

In a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), where change can happen at varying speeds from the perspectives of society, technology, political, environment, education and economy, organisations can no longer resist change or continue business as usual. They must be agile enough to adapt and embrace change as well as to monitor change throughout the organisation hierarchy, from top management to departmental to individual levels. In addition, organisational changes and vision are not only cascaded down and aligned within an organisation but must also be strategically aligned to national-level goals, blueprints and masterplans such as Wawasan 2035, Negara Zikir & Maqasid of the Shari’ah, the Economic BluePrint and Digital Economy Master Plan, and to international-level goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This 3-day programme will focus on the tools and techniques for developing and monitoring a top-level Strategic Plan for an organisation using Strategic Thinking and Systems Thinking approach to Strategic Management.

Programme Objectives

Upon the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different phases of Strategic Planning development & implementation;
  • Identify the key components of a Strategic Plan;
  • Acquire the practical tools and techniques of Strategic Thinking and Systems
  • Thinking to develop a future-ready Strategic Plan;
  • Apply Strategic Alignment to cascade the top vision throughout the organisation;
  • Monitor the performance of a Strategic Plan through
  • Key Performance Indicators; and
  • Identify common challenges of Strategic Management.

Who Should Attend

Senior Management officer who will directly or indirectly involved in the development and monitoring strategic plans.

    Programme Delivery

    Day Time
    Day 1 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM
    Day 2
    Day 3

    Your Investment

    Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
    Normal Price $800.00(SBS 5%) $950.00


    Download Brochure Here


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