On course for success

Talent Gap Analysis



Programme Overview

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations are constantly striving to remain competitive and future-ready. To address the challenges posed by the dynamic job market, a data-driven Talent Gap Analysis Workshop offers an indispensable solution.

This interactive workshop is designed to equip HR professionals, managers, and business leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed talent management decisions. The central focus is on harnessing data analytics to identify and bridge skill gaps within the organisation.

Programme Objectives

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Define the meaning of talent and talent management that would fit the needs of the organisation.
  • Understand and identify the various talent performance and potential gaps.
  • Apply a methodology to identify, collect and analyse the data to assess the gaps.
  • Develop and implement a plan to close and mitigate the gaps.
  • Create a business case to gain support from the leadership for the plan.

Who Should Attend

Officers, Executives, Managers and Senior Managers under: Learning & Development, Talent Development, Talent Management and Talent Acquisition.


Face-to-face training and combination of short conceptual sharing, examples, simulations, role playing activities, case studies and interactive workshops.

Your Investment

Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder Group fee 
Normal Price $ 1,600 $ 2,500 10% off for a group of 3


Download Brochure Here


Bookings are closed for this event.

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