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QEFITA: Qualifying Examination For Insurance & Takaful Agents

Programme Overview

Qualifying Examination For Insurance & Takaful Agents (QEFITA) is a licensing programme organised by BILIF with the support and guidance of Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB) and the Brunei Insurance Takaful Association (BITA).

This programme covers the theoretical study of insurance and takaful as well as the legal and regulatory requirements of Brunei Darussalam and ends with a two-hour examination.
In order to succesfully complete the programme, participants are required to sit and pass the examination.


By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Learn the fundamentals of insurance and takaful;
  • Understand risk management strategies;
  • Explain insurance contracts, documents, processes and practices and applicable laws;
  • Understand the different types of general insurance and their characteristics; and
  • Describe the role and duties of an agent.

Who Should Attend

  • QEFITA is a compulsory entry requirement for all those who intend to be registered as General Insurance/Takaful agents with BITA and those who intend to pursue a career in the Insurance/Takaful Industry.

Programme Date

Date Time
6 - 7 March 2024 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm


  • Two (2) hours examination consisting of 100 multiple choices questions.
  • The passing mark for the exam is 65%.

Programme Fee

Categories Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Theory + Exam $230.00 $270.00
Exam Only $150.00 $150.00


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Rules & Regulations Module

Programme Overview

The examination for this module is designed to test relevant candidate’s knowledge and understanding on the rules and regulations under the Securities Markets Order, 2013 and its subsidiary regulations, notices and guidelines.

Who Should Attend

  • A representative of a CMSL or an exempt person (a company who does not hold a CMSL but is licensed and regulated by BDCB), who intends to apply for a CMSRL to conduct any
    regulated activity(ies) prescribed under Part II Schedule of Securities Markets Order, 2013.
  • A person who is licensed as a CMSRL holder to conduct all regulated activities except the regulated activity of safekeeping and administration of assets prior to the implementation date of the Rules and Regulation Module.
  • Any other person who does not fall within the aforementioned categories and wishes to take the examination are welcomed to register and take the examination. A person who is licensed as


  • The total self-study time required is 180 hours. Candidates are expected to complete the self-study 2 months prior to sitting for the examination.
  • This will be an open book assessment. Candidates are allowed to refer to the copy of the SMO/SMR and relevant rules and regulations that will be provided by BILIF.
  • The examination will be computer-based and conducted in-person at BILIF.
  • The passing mark for the exam is 65%.

Programme Fee

Categories Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Examination Fee $300.00 $500.00


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QEFITA: Qualifying Examination For Insurance & Takaful Agents (2nd Run)

Programme Overview

Qualifying Examination For Insurance & Takaful Agents (QEFITA) is a licensing programme organised by BILIF with the support and guidance of Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB) and the Brunei Insurance Takaful Association (BITA).

This programme covers the theoretical study of insurance and takaful as well as the legal and regulatory requirements of Brunei Darussalam and ends with a two-hour examination.
In order to succesfully complete the programme, participants are required to sit and pass the examination.


By the end of this programme, participants will be able to:

  • Learn the fundamentals of insurance and takaful;
  • Understand risk management strategies;
  • Explain insurance contracts, documents, processes and practices and applicable laws;
  • Understand the different types of general insurance and their characteristics; and
  • Describe the role and duties of an agent.

Who Should Attend

  • QEFITA is a compulsory entry requirement for all those who intend to be registered as General Insurance/Takaful agents with BITA and those who intend to pursue a career in the Insurance/Takaful Industry.

Programme Date

Date Time
21 - 22 August 2024 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm


  • Two (2) hours examination consisting of 100 multiple choices questions.
  • The passing mark for the exam is 65%.

Programme Fee

Categories Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Theory + Exam $230.00 $270.00
Exam Only $150.00 $150.00


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Financial Planning Practitioners’ Programme (FPPP)

Programme Overview

BILIF is an official licensing examination centre for the purpose of the licensing requirement under the Securities Markets Order, 2013.

The Financial Planning Practitioners’ Programme (FPPP) was formulated specifically to address the licensing requirement for financial planners with the guidance and support of BDCB as the regulatory authority as well as TAP for SPK session to cover the minimum knowledge and skills expected of a competent financial planner.

The workshop consists of two parts. theory and skills which will be followed by assessments to ensure the financial planners demonstrate the necessary competency required to serve the public effectively.

Programme Objectives

  • Demonstrate profound knowledge and understanding of financial planning.
  • Understand various financial ratios used for financial planning.
  • Identify various goals for consideration in financial planning.
  • Cash management and budgeting, time value of money, investment planning, risk management, insurance planning and estate planning.
  • Provide solutions and recommendations to achieve financial goals.

Who is this Programme for?

  • Individuals interested to apply for licensing from BDCB under investment/investment-linked advice.
  • Individuals who are selling investments and/or investment-linked insurances.
  • Individuals interested to become a financial planner.

Programme Schedule

Date Time
17 - 20 September 2024 Theory*
23 September 2024 Examination
24 - 27 September 2024 Skills Training
30 September - 1 October 2024 Skills Assessment

  • Two (2) hours examination consisting of 100 multiple choice questions
  • The passing mark of the examination is 65%

Your Investment

Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
Normal Price $2,200.00 $2,850.00


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