With slowing economic times, debtors are becoming tougher and tougher to part with their money. Collectors need to be properly trained as that one contact you have with your customer may be the last one before he or she becomes uncontactable. Collectors need to be able to collect maximum, quickly, while speaking politely. If not, they will collect less money and more broken promises. Collectors need many ideas and techniques to motivate them to succeed in this difficult, stressful job.
- State the primary role of a Collector
- Practice the 6 steps of a collection call in English &
Malay - Practice the steps to tackle broken promises
- Handle common customer excuses quickly and confidently
- Contact customers with more confidence and professionalism
- Diffuse upset customers using the A.U.S.E. method
Steve Coyle founded Service Winners in 2003, which focuses on Credit / Collections training. Prior to Service Winners he worked in Customer Service- Collections and Human Resources at Maxis Mobile. In the U.S., Steve worked at Verizon Wireless and in the banking industry with C.I.T. Equipment Financing, Inc. He has experience in handling both consumer and commercial accounts. He has worked in both call centres and banking (hire/purchase)
environments. His experience in both the West and Malaysia allows him to share best practices. His Malaysian banking clients include: CIMB, Maybank, Bank Islam, AmBank, Hong Leong, and others.He is the author of ‘Debt Collections: Stir-Fried or Deep-Fried?’. He is a Certified Credit Executive from the National Association of Credit Management (USA) and a Certified Financial Collection Professional (Canada). He is a member of the Association of Credit Management Malaysia.