On course for success

Corporate Governance


This customized programme enables you to gain an understanding of the big picture and fundamentals of Corporate Governance and CSR.


Use the best learning techniques to understand the subject
Understand the developments in Asia
Be up to date with the changes and understand the CSR.


Corporate Executives
Corporate Secretaries
Company Secretary



Dennis Driscoll is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Management at Strathclyde Business School. He is a former Dean of the Law School at the National University of Ireland (Galway), where he taught International Law, International Human Rights, and Corporate Social Responsibility. He has also been a Visiting Professor at Hravard Univeristy and at Peking Univeristy, where, in his capacity as Raoul Wallenberg Institute Visiting Professor of Human Rights, he was the first Professor of Human Rights in the history of China. He has also been a Visiting Professor at a number of European universities. During a long teaching career, Dennis has been responsible for a number of course innovations. Two are especially noteworthy. In the early 1970s, at the University of Edinburgh, he created a course on International Human Rights, believed to be the first such course at any law school in Europe. In the mid-1990s, at the National Univeristy of Ireland (Galway), he created a course on Corporate Social Responsibility, dealing with the complete range of CSR issues—from labour issues to human rights issues to environmental concerns, and from corporate philanthropy to corporate governance to ethical business practices such as avoiding corrupt business payments – again, the first such course at any European law school.

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