On course for success

Effective Management of NPLS And Distressed Loans Financing


Financing / Credit decisions are invariable made to ensure that the approved ?nancing / loans can and will be repaid on time as scheduled and agreed. However, in practice, ?nancing / loans can and do sometimes turn impaired in the form of potential or actual delingquency. In more serious cases, these ?nancing / loans can turn non-performing with limited or costly recovery prospects.

They are a variety of circumstances due to both internal and external factors affecting the Borrower, which then results in them becoming ?nancially distressed.

By learning to detect and monitor the adverse changes affecting the ?nancial health as well as ?nancing-worthiness / credit-worthiness of Borrowers, potential ?nancing / credit losses can be mitigated, if appropriate action is taken early enough.


  • Demonstrate a better appreciation of the various aspects of ?nancial distress.
  • Gain a higher degree of self-con?dence when conducting risk based appraisal and ?nancing / credit decision-making on impaired or non-performing ?nancing / loans
  • Communicate the rational for ?nancing / credit or business decisions more effectively to non-?nance professionals and various stakeholders.
  • Raise their level of everyday work performance and professionalism


  • Understand what is meant by distressed ?nancing / loan assets and its potent impact
  • Identify the various stages of business and ?nancial turnaround.
  • Learn how to proactively identify and mitigate potential risk issues when negotiating with ?nancially distressed Borrowers.
  • Recognize the pitfall to avoid during negotiations or work-outs
  • Develop an Early Alert Report System that anticipate potential distressed loan assets.


  1. Head of Departments
  2. Senior Managers
  3. Managers
  4. Executive



is an experienced senior banker with over 30 years of proven leadership and management experience. He was previously the Executive Vice President and Advisor to Commercial Banking in a leading regional universal banking group.

Over the years, he has had responsibility for leading the high performance of people, projects and the banking organization in a number of key areas, successfully navigating through 4 large scale mergers and 3 economic recessions. This includes portfolios ranging from Corporate Banking, Retail Banking, Branch Banking, Credit Risk Management, Compliance & Controls, Sales & Business Development, Corporate Debt Restructuring, Asset Quality Management, Regional Business Management as well as Commercial Banking roles covering consumers, SMEs to larger corporations and multinationals in various economic sectors.

During the aftermath of the 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis, he was called upon to serve as one of only three senior banking industry representatives in the Corporate Debt Restructuring Steering Committee

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