On course for success

Leadership in Islamic Finance and Economics (LIFE): Common Core

Programme Overview

The LIFE programme is a professional learning pathway that covers all sectors in Islamic Finance namely Islamic Banking, Takaful and Islamic Capital Market and is designed upon knowledge delivery mapped against competency levels in order to enable a structured learning process for the participants.

The programme helps produce quality experts in the field of Islamic finance in Brunei Darussalam to remain current in respect to the knowledge and skills required to deliver professional services in pace with contemporary professional development. Aligned with BDCB’s Financial Sector Blueprint (FSBP), this programme is part of BILIF’s effort to further develop the Islamic finance industry in Brunei Darussalam in accordance to the country’s National Vision 2035.

Programme Objectives

  • To develop the Islamic Financial Industry in Negara Brunei Darussalam as align with Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB) Financial Sector Blueprint (FSBP) in order to achieve National Vision 2035.
  • To Increase credibility and professionalism of the Islamic Finance Industry in Brunei Darussalam
  • To adhere to the International Competency Development Standards
  • To remain current in respect to the knowledge and skills required to deliver professional services and in pace with the contemporary professional development

Entry Requirement

2 ‘O’ levels

  • Common Core:
    *Note: No working experience and related degree required

Who Should Attend

  • Financial Industry
  • Supporting Industry
  • Government and Private Sector
  • Anyone who seek to pursue a career in the Islamic finance industry


LIFE Common Core is organised as a self-paced online study via our BILIF plus platform where all applicable learning materials are available and ready to be accessed according to thep articipants’ schedules.

Programme Fee

Package Per Module All Module
Normal Price $100.00 $2,600.00


Download Brochure Here


Bookings are closed for this event.

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