On course for success

Professional Image and Business Etiquette

Programme Overview

An individual’s ability to project a confident, positive image and communicate effectively in an organisation will result in higher productivity and performance, better interpersonal relationships with co-workers, increased job satisfaction and not to mention, leaving a positive and powerful lasting impression on clients and customers.

This programme will ensure that the participants are fully equipped with the proper knowledge and skills, to develop positive dynamic attitudes and habits. These will further empower their work and daily lives, leading them to achieve a higher performance in today’s competitive economic environment.

Who is this Programme for?

This programme is suitable for officers, executives, managers, sales teams, front office, receptions and individuals looking to project a confident positive image and create a powerful lasting impression.

Programme Objectives

  • LEARN the 3A’s of image management and the 3Vs of first impressions;
  • DISCOVER ways to enhance your style and image; and
  • DESCRIBE professional attire and know how to assemble suitable work wardrobes;
  • APPLY the proper business etiquette and protocol;
  • PROJECT your best self forward.

    Programme Outline

    Day  Modules
    Day 1 Module 1: Your Image Your Brand
    Module 2: Getting In Style
    Module 3: Business Wardrobe Management
    Module 4: Your Corporate Makeover – for both ladies and men
    Day 2 Module 5: Your Body Language
    Module 6: Your Business Etiquette & Protocol
    Module 7: Business Meal Etiquette Essentials

    Programme Delivery

    Date Time
    16 – 17 January 2023

    8:30 AM – 12:15 PM
    1:30 PM – 5:00 PM

    Your Investment

    Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
    Normal Price $ 900.00 (100% SBS) $ 1,100.00


    Download Brochure Here
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