Programme Overview “CSAA” stands for Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor and it’s one of the two fellowship programmes offered by [...]
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Programme Overview The relaunch of the Professional Banker Certificate for 2023 comprises of a single module, the Foundations of Responsible [...]
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Programme Overview Qualifying Examination For Insurance & Takaful Agents (QEFITA) is a licensing programme organised by BILIF with the support [...]
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Programme Overview The retail banking sector is undergoing an unprecedented level of change due to digital disruption, evolving customer expectations, [...]
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Programme Overview The LIBF Level 5 Professionalism, Conduct and Ethics (5PCE) qualification has been designed to highlight the importance of [...]
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Programme Overview Fiqh Mu'amalat Professional Programme (FMPP) is BILIF’s signature programme, exclusively designed to produce Syariah Advisors for the Islamic [...]
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Programme Overview The examination for this module is designed to test relevant candidates’ knowledge and understanding on the rules and [...]
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Programme Overview High Impact Executive Leadership (HIEL) Programme is a 3 months holistic programme on Inter-personal and Intra-personal Leadership, Organisational [...]
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Programme Overview BILIF is an official licensing examination centre for the purpose of the licensing requirement under the Securities Markets [...]
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Programme Overview This qualification will provide a critical evaluation of how financial markets, and both credit and liquidity risks are [...]
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