On course for success

Challenges in Implementing IFRS9

Programme Overview

IAS 39 is to be replaced with a new standard IFRS 9, which removes the restrictions and accounting anomalies contained in IAS 39 improving the reporting standards and transparency. Numerous users providing feedback to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) expressed concerns regarding the complexity and challenges associated with comprehending, implementing, and interpreting the requirements outlined in IAS 39, pertaining to financial statements.

IFRS 9 is the new accounting standard for financial instruments that impacts international banks and financial institutions worldwide. Numerous changes are in place, designed to make annual reports more meaningful to investors as well as simplify how auditors implement the rules and introduce safeguards to ensure that a severe credit crises cannot emerge again.

IFRS 9 sets out the requirements for recognising and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial assets. This course specifically focuses on the new rules and reporting standards contained in IFRS 9 which is designed for professionals who have experience operating under IAS 39.

Programme Outline

Day 1
  • Objectives of IFRS 9.
  • Classification and measurement of financial assets.
  • Measurement of financial instruments.
  • Scope of the impairment requirements.
  • Basic principles of measuring credit losses.
  • Case study on expected credit loss measurement.
Day 2
  • Fair value measurement of financial instruments.
  • Fair value measurement at initial recognition.
  • De-recognition of financial assets.
  • De-recognition of a financial liability.
  • Transition to IFRS 9.

Who Should Attend

  • Risk Managers.
  • Auditors. Budget and Forecast Officers.
  • Accountants and Financial Controllers.
  • Analysts.
  • CFO and Finance Directors.
  • Investment Bankers.
  • Corporate Bankers.
  • Tax Directors.
  • Corporate Finance Function.
  • Fund Managers and Investors.
  • Derivative Sales Executives.
  • Tax Managers / Directors

Programme Date

Date Time
1 – 2 July 2024   8:30 am – 12:00 pm
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $1,500.00 $1,700.00


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