On course for success

LIBF: Strategic Management & Innovation in Banking (SMIB)

Programme Overview

The banking sector is facing an unprecedented level of change from digital disruption, regulatory developments and changing customer behaviours.

This qualification looks at the strategy ecosystem influencers that drive change and innovation. Strategy is a key issue for all managers and is critical to the performance of an organisations. It is through the development and implementation of effective strategies that organisational goals and objectives are achieved. You will study the concept of strategy, analyse the external and internal factors that affect strategy, drive change as well as understand the risks and threats associated with strategic choices.

Using the knowledge gained from this course, participants will consider the opportunities and challenges digital transformation presents to established and new banking organisations. Participants will look at the strategic ‘ecosystem’ influencers that drive change and innovation. Following the innovation process, participants will use customer journey and service design processes to deliver new products and services and consider the capabilities required to deliver these in the digital age.


  • Evaluate the different strategic management and organisational concepts and their role within a banking context as well as how disruptive innovation is changing the banking landscape.
  • Discuss how strategy is determined and the strategic options available within a banking context.
  • Analyse how strategy can be implemented, monitored and evaluated within a banking and finance context.
  • Understand portfolio planning and customer journey design principles and their application for the new banking/financial services customer.
  • Understand the ‘new’ customer of banking products and services, their desired future experiences and changing expectations, and evaluate this impact on bank services.
  • Evaluate the product innovation process and its application in designing new value streams and the new capabilities required to support the customer journey and services of a digital bank of the future.

Who Should Attend

  • Designed for those who are working or aspiring to work within the retailor commercial banking or group services divisions of a bank.
  • For those who want to develop knowledge, understanding and enhance their skills that are valued within a broad range of roles in Banking.


There are no specified entry requirements.

Participants should be confident in their ability to study at this level. It is strongly recommended that participants have previously successfully studied at a similar level. The Level 4 Risk and Regulation in Banking qualification provides a good introduction to operational risk management. Participants also need to be satisfied of their ability to study in English.

Programme Date

7 May 2024

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $2,060.00 $2,060.00


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Bookings are closed for this event.

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