On course for success

Leadership & Management

Leading With Assertiveness And Collaboration

Programme Overview

This programme emphasises the importance of assertive behavior and its influence on overall performance it equips participants with the skills to interact more effectively. Participants will also develop confidence and authority in managing relationships, fostering a dynamic approach that enhances interpersonal communication and contributes to improved overall professional performance.


You cannot manage effectively if you feel uncomfortable saying ‘NO’ to your employees and are afraid to influence upwards and shy away from conflicts. Hence, participants will learn to:

  • Take charge in their jobs.
  • Handle conflicts with strength and decisiveness.
  • Get tasks accomplished while maintaining effective relationships.
  • Make requests and refuse others.
  • Negotiate diplomatically.
  • Influence others without being coercive or manipulative.

Business Outcomes:

Being assertive means communicating your needs, wants and opinion to others in a direct and tactful manner, while at the same time receptive to their needs and without being confrontational or aggressive.

Who Should Attend

  • Supervisors
  • Executive and Emerging Managers
  • Managers
  • New Managers

Programme Date

Date Time
2 - 3 July 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $2,000.00 $2,400.00


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Leading, Managing and Motivating High Performance Teams

Programme Overview

Improving and maintaining high productivity and quality is a major concern to most organisations. While managers do not directly influence certain performance-affecting factors such as competition or the economy, there are numerous under utilised or incorrectly applied factors within their control. This results in diminished productivity and job quality.

Fortunately, managers can learn skills and install procedures that research has shown will improve and maintain human performance. In fact, the research conducted by the programme leader and team has clearly revealed that some of the greatest gains in productivity are achieved through manager-controlled factors, especially when compared to capital investment strategies.

Managing Performance is a performance-oriented system that ensures managers learn and apply effective techniques on the job.


At the end of this programme, participants will learn the following:

  • Identify key areas of group and individual accountability;
  • Develop performance objectives and standards key results areas, as well as defining and setting up the teams' KPIs;
  • Develop performance goals and action plans for each specific period that help employees achieve or exceed performance standards;
  • Administer positive reinforcement techniques to motivate employees;
  • Provide regular feedback, coaching & counselling to overcome performance deficiencies; and
  • Learn how to prepare and conduct performance appraisal discussion.

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Senior Managers, Mid-Level Managers and General Managers
  • Senior and Mid-Level
  • Executives
  • Team Leaders and Head of Departments
  • Human Resources and Learning & Development Managers

Programme Date

Date Time
3 - 4 July 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $1,800.00 $2,000.00


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Management Skills for New Leaders

Programme Overview

This programme is designed for employees who have been newly-promoted to a supervisory or managerial position to improve their people-management skills and, more importantly, be equipped with practical ideas for optimising the most important resource in the organisation - its people. The programme is also suitable for existing supervisors and managers who have not received any formal training in people-management skills.

Participants will learn to develop a firm foundation for becoming an adept and inspirational manager, capable of motivating their subordinates effectively. This proficiency will result in your subordinates feeling more inspired, delivering higher-quality work, and remaining committed to the organisation for an extended period. Consequently, the organisation will experience heightened productivity, reduced turnover rates, and substantial savings in terms of time, energy, resources, and financial resources that would otherwise be spent on recruiting and retraining new staff members.

This programme will be able to equip managers with a clear understanding of the importance of managing people and enhancing leadership effectiveness within the organisation and its impact on others. Regardless of their position—be it middle managers, senior managers, or C-Suite leaders—all individuals will require the development of relevant management and leadership skills, knowledge, and confidence. This enhancement is essential for effectively guiding their teams to meet the organisation's standards and expectations, particularly within the ever-changing dynamics of today's work environment.


At the end of this programme, participants will learn the following:

  • Understand the current approaches to effective leadership;
  • Distinguish differences between leadership and management;
  • Analyse strengths and areas for development;
  • Be more effective in communicating and leading their teams;
  • Manage and support organisational change in times of technology disruption(Industry 4.0);
  • Manage team conflicts in a ‘win-win’ situation;
  • Engage in group problem solving and decision making; and
  • Determine what motivates and what does not motivate team members.

Who Should Attend

  • Supervisors
  • Executive and Emerging Managers
  • Managers
  • New Managers

Programme Date

Date Time
22 - 23 July 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $1,900.00 $2,300.00


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Growth Mindset Coaching

Programme Overview

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

Having the right mindset is very important in helping us succeed in our life. In the journey of achieving success, self-awareness and selfanalysis can significantly help us to understand why we do what we do and what we can change in ourselves to get more energy, respond better to others and efficiently interact with them and understand them.

This programme uses a variety of examples, case studies, example conversations and techniques to master a few competencies of success. Delegates explore topics such as, behaviour cycle, positive
versus negative thinking, handling fear, motivation, power phrases and so on.

The programme contains numerous exercises that are designed to raise delegate’s awareness and help them think about critical behaviours. The aim is to change the point of view of those who might have habitually used certain behaviours without realising the full effect of them when used on others. Awareness raising discussions and interactive exercises help delegates to significantly change their behaviour using simple yet powerful techniques.


  • Understand how your inner thoughts and belief system affect your mindset.
  • Understand what growth mindset vs fixed mindset is.
  • Understand how a growth mindset can improve your work and personal development.
  • Heighten your self-awareness.
  • Manage yourself better and increase motivation.
  • Learn ways to show empathy to build a better relationship with colleagues.
  • Learn to be more accountable towards your behaviour and performance at work.

Who Should Attend

  • Clerks
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Executives
  • Middle Officers

Programme Date

Date Time
22 - 23 August 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $800.00 $900.00


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Supervisory Skills for Supervisors and Managers

Programme Overview

Having effective employees and an effective team are crucial in delivering business goals and objectives. However, it is an area that is often left to chance, which can lead to demotivated employee who do not feel part of the business and consequently do not perform.

These highly interactive two-day sessions are designed to provide supervisors, officers and new managers with essential management and people leadership skills to lead and manage their team. This programme covers what it takes to lead and manage an effective team and how to get the best out of its members by understanding the role of a leader, both personally and from the point of
view of the team.

The course materials will help to develop anyone who leads a team or is involved in a leadership role. It is also useful for those who need to develop their leadership skills as a new supervisor, officer or manager.

Programme Objectives

  • Recognise and appreciate the importance of having essential leadership and management skills.
  • Appreciate and embrace the qualities of an effective leader.
  • Acquire the essential skills, tools and techniques in leading and managing their employee and team.
  • Put into practice essential skills, tools and techniques into case studies, role plays and other relevant learning activities.
  • Build and align shared business vision with the team.
  • Develop clear and SMART team objectives, targets and goals as a basis for managing their performance.
  • Motivate employee by understanding their drivers and developing actions to support them.
  • Deal with difficult employee members.
  • Coach and mentor employees effectively using the Performance Coaching Steps.
  • Delegate tasks more effectively.
  • Manage and handle conflict or misunderstanding between employees.

Programme Date

Date Time
11 - 12 September 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

Who Should Attend

  • Supervisors, officers and managers who are new to the supervisory and leadership roles.
  • Supervisors, officers and managers who have to lead and manage teams.
  • Individuals who are keen to sharpen their supervisory and leadership skills to make an impact at work.

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
Normal Price $ 850 $ 900


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Transformational Leadership


Programme Overview

In today's fiercely competitive and constantly evolving marketplace, the success of organisations hinges profoundly on their agility in swiftly embracing change. This extends to the velocity at which strategic initiatives are disseminated and implemented. The transformational shift is moving away from merely achieving objectives through compliance and, instead, towards attaining exceptional outcomes through unwavering commitment.

This workshop is specifically designed to address the critical adjustments that leaders must undertake to effectively inspire their workforce, fostering a deep commitment that, in turn, yields tangible enhancements in morale, performance, and ultimately, profitability.

Programme Objectives

  • Assume the adaptable mindset of transformational leaders, embracing change in order to succeed in dynamic environments.
  • Understand that leadership is influence, how the 5 levels of leadership works, and their level.
  • Assess the level of connection they have with their subordinates and apply the principles for building trust with them.
  • Apply the principles of managing performance for results, and keeping the team motivated in challenging times.
  • Gain commitment through their application of coaching and developing their subordinates.

Who Should Attend

  • Team leaders.
  • New manager.
  • Senior manager.
  • Future leaders.
  • Senior management team member (HOD and above).
  • Anyone interested in taking on leadership roles.


  • Face To Face

Programme Dates

Date Time
17 - 18 September 2024 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Your Investment

Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
Normal Price $ 1.350 $ 1,500


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Building a Resilient Team with Emotional Intelligence

Programme Overview

Much has been discovered in the past 30 years on Emotional Intelligence (EI) and countless studies show its incredible role in an individual’s success. Arguably, EI can be even more critical than the power of the cognitive brain usually measured with IQ. In other words, if you want to succeed, it is equally imperative to work on your soft skills such as empathy and communication skills.

Individuals possessing emotional intelligence can easily be distinguished from those without and may lead them to a much more rewarding and successful life.

This programme teaches the participants a set of core skills to become better at managing themselves and others.

It covers all the fundamental competencies within EI and by using extensive and elaborate exercises, prepares the participants to face the real-life issues armed with the new emotional and practical skills to help build resilient teams.


  • Identifying the main EI competencies and know how each area can contribute to your personality and interaction with others.
  • Manage and regulate your emotions to make sure they don’t disrupt your behaviour.
  • Establish rapport with others and improve the effectiveness of your communication.
  • Recognise and understand your moods and emotions and the effect on others.
  • Control and guide your emotions so you can achieve more, boost yourself and vastly increase your productivity.
  • Empathise when interacting with others and become a trusted person in your network.
  • Understand others’ needs systematically and respond accordingly to get maximum results.

Who Is This Programme For?

  • Team Leaders
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Heads of Units
  • Heads of Department

Programme Date

Date Time
21 -22 October 2024   8:30 am - 12:00 pm
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholders Non-Stakeholders
Normal Price $1,100.00 $1,500.00


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BILIF-SHRM HR Leaders’ Executive Programme

Programme Overview

In the ever-evolving landscape of human resources, the significance of staying on top of current trends cannot be overstated.

This programme is a comprehensive exploration of pivotal themes shaping the HR landscape today. Dive deep into the dynamics of organisational culture—a linchpin for effective leadership, fostering not only engagement but also a competitive edge in talent acquisition and retention. Navigate the ever-changing landscape with insights into ambidextrous organisations, providing a compass for balancing stability and innovation in an era defined by constant change.

Beyond theoretical discussions, the programme offers tangible strategies for motivating the millennial workforce and cultivating workforce agility. Industrial visits provide a firsthand understanding of competency frameworks, contributing to the professionalisation of HR practitioners.

This programme represents a strategic investment in your leadership capacity amid the dynamic challenges of the modern era. We invite you to immerse yourselves, connect with peers, and gain insights that will not only enhance your professional acumen but will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of HRs within your organisations

Programme Objectives

  • Develop leadership skills for HRs.
  • Gain insights into the latest research in organisation culture.
  • Develop a comprehensive road map to develop a people strategy.
  • Explore current and future business trends that inform future talent focused strategies.
  • Use an organisational framework by the Society of HR Management (SHRM) to shape your people strategy.

Programme Date

22 - 25 October 2024

Programme Highlight

  • CHRO Roundtable Forum
  • How to Reward and Motivate the Millennial Workforce
  • Ambidextrous Organisation and Agile Workforc
  • Visit IHRP
  • Future Workforce Architecture – Leading a Future-Focused People Strategy

Who Should Attend

  • HR Professionals
  • HR Directors
  • Chief Human Resources Officers (CHRO)
  • Business Executives involved in organisation growth and workforce transformation

Programme Fee

Package Stakeholder Non Stakeholder
Normal Price $ 5,500 $ 6,500


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